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Minggu, 21 Januari 2018

PrObLeMs SeArCh EnGiNe

PrObLeMs SeArCh EnGiNe


Problems with adding a search engine to your site
I'm having problems with the iframe that displays my search results.
The iframe hosting option for displaying your search results is no longer supported. Instead, try using the Two page layout or Results only layout. Read more about Search results layout.
I'm having problems with Custom Search Element V1 implementation code that displays my search results.
Custom Search Element V1 hosting option for displaying your search results is no longer supported. Instead, try using Custom Search Element V2 code, which is a simpler way to configure the search box. Read more about Custom Search Element V2 layout.
I'm seeing the error message “Unauthorized access to internal API. Please refer to https://support.google.com/customsearch/answer/4542055” when I try access Custom Search Engine results.
This error is an indication of trying to directly access the Custom Search Engine’s internal API (‘v1element’). Please use the code snippet found in your CSE control panel. Learn more about Custom Search Element V2 setup.
For programmatic access use the public CSE JSON API. 
Search results don't load.
If your results seem to be stuck on a "Loading..." message, here are a few things to try:
Check to see if it works in another browser. 
Test your search engine using multiple web browsers (Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera) to determine if the problem is browser-specific. If your search engine works in some, but not all of these browsers, let us know. 
Check your site's HTML.
Make sure your HTML page begins with the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration.
Try the original code snippet.
If you edited your code snippet, try replacing it with the original snippet. If that works, try your edited code snippet on a blank page. If your edited snippet works on a blank page, your page may contain CSS or JavaScript that interferes with the search code.
Make sure the snippet's HTTP protocol matches your site's.
If you obtained the auto-generated Custom Search code snippet, the protocol should be automatically determined for you.  If you supplied your own custom search snippet, make sure it uses the same http:// protocol used for your site. 
Check for network errors.
To see if your network connection is preventing your page from loading JavaScript and CSS files, in Chrome, right click the page and click Inspect Element. The Network tab lists the components your web page or application is requesting from web servers, and lists the HTTP request and response headers for each of these resources. If you see a HTTP status code other than "Success" or "Not modified", check that your network is not preventing you from accessing these files. Similarly, you can use the Firebug add-on (for Firefox), the F12 developer tools (Internet Explorer 9), and Safari Web Inspector to help diagnose network issues.
Check for any JavaScript errors.
In Chrome, right-click the page, click Inspect Element, and then click the Console tab.
In Firefox, first make sure you have installed the Web Developer add-on. A notification will appear in the top right corner whenever a JavaScript error is detected. In addition, the Firebug add-on can help diagnose JavaScript problems.
In Internet Explorer, your status bar will display a warning if any JavaScript errors are discovered on the page. Double-click the warning to see the problem code.
In Safari, use the Elements tab of Web Inspector to check for JavaScript problems.

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